Broken Mirrors.

Saturday, September 3, 2011 2 comments

Aurora, break of the first light
Misty, gloomy, I can emit fumes
Shivering, running and thinking
It is long, very long, for my day
Has always been a long sad weak
I need rejuvenation, some bad luck
A push, over the cliff and soar or sink
I smash my wardrobe mirror
To look at the pieces, superstitious me
Pieces of me, staring back
I laugh, a little, a little more and look at my grin
Yeah, that’s me, my lil’reflections, of my life, my love, my hate
Seconds tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock
I am still glaring, poor me, tears streak
Two little streams go the opposite direction
One drop on a piece, that’s funny, refraction and reflection
All coupled in the once one piece
Poor superstitious me, I have seen a bad luck
In my broken mirror, that’s what I have been craving for.


  • Unknown said...

    Mhhhh! thanks, but its not sad per se.Just a little melancholic and sometimes lack of the emotion where it is replaced by a big void. The phenomenon is unexplainable.

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